Category: Automotive Industry Players
Another Avanci licensor sues China’s BYD in Germany over cellular standard-essential patents: Japan’s IP Bridge
Japanese patent licensing firm IP Bridge is now suing Chinese automaker BYD in Germany. One of the patents has already been asserted against various car makers and brought about settlements.
‘I fail to understand why Licensing Negotiation Groups are needed’: Avanci, Ericsson question why LNGs should intervene in SEP licensing
Uta Schneider, Vice President of Global Government Affairs at Avanci, and Patrick Hofkens, Head of IPR Policy at Ericsson, clashed with fellow panellists at a conference in Warsaw today following a European Commission suggestion to introduce LNG-specific framework.
BREAKING: Tesla loses pool rate determination appeal against Avanci and InterDigital in UK: Lord Justice Arnold got outvoted
Lord Justice Phillips and Lady Justice Whipple voted against the panel member with the most patent-specific experience, applying common sense.
Chinese automotive industry associations ‘encouraging Chinese automakers not to take a license from Avanci’
The China Automotive Technology & Research Center Ltd. and China Society of Automotive Engineers have highlighted that Avanci’s rates are too high and Chinese car makers should only settle for as low as 10% of its global SEP licensing rates, sources close to the matter have told ip fray.
EXCLUSIVE: Avanci licensor Sol IP sues Chinese automaker BYD in Munich over 4G SEPs — at least one Chinese car maker is already licensed
Avanci licensor SolIP has filed two standard-essential patent infringement lawsuits against China’s BYD in Munich, seeking only damages for now.
Via LA boosts EV charging licensing efforts in Japan, signs partnership with local pool administrator ULDAGE
Japan plans significant growth to enhance its EV charging capabilities, Via LA’s head of programs Willy Chang tells ip fray.
Avago (Broadcom) actually won the UPC’s first-ever anti-antisuit injunction, paved the way for the Huawei v. Netgear AASI that came down two days later
Not only three but even four attempts to derail German (in two cases also UPC) patent enfrocement actions through U.S. antisuit injunctions have failed in recent years.
Automakers infringe digital pass key patents by implementing Car Connectivity Consortium standard: new lawsuit against Hyundai, KIA
Biometrics firm Proxense, a former operating company, has expanded its patent enforcement action to the automotive industry with a lawsuit against Hyundai, KIA and Genesis.
Avanci responds to Chinese study on automotive SEP license fees: “numerous inaccuracies”
Context: Commonly, when Avanci announces something, it involves new licensors or licensees (see, e.g., this October 9, 2024 ip fray article). Avanci’s automotive pool covers a very high percentage of all 4G and 5G standard-essential patents (SEPs), and most of the market (which for 5G depends on whether companies are already implementing it) is licensed….
Three attempts to use U.S. courts against German (or UPC) patent enforcement actions have failed in recent years: disproven recipe?
It has been tried three times over the past couple of years to leverage U.S. district courts against German courts or the UPC, and it produced nothing but costs.