Category: Dolby
Indian court hearing reveals HMD offers only 1.5% of what Dolby is seeking: $15K instead of $1M deposit for standard-essential patent royalties
At a Delhi High Court hearing today, the enormous ask-bid spread between Dolby and HMD became publicly known.
Via LA’s Heath Hoglund in Clause 8 interview: early licensee involvement is a sign of future patent pool success
“I have little sympathy for the implementers who complain about not having influence on the outcome if they didn’t participate in the first place,” Via LA President Heath Hoglund tells Eli Mazour.
AA licensors win two AASIs in UPC’s Munich Local Division: Dolby, Sun Patent Trust defang Roku’s lawsuit in District of Massachusetts
Context: HP and TCL settled their disputes over HEVC (H.265) video codec patents through an Access Advance pool license last fall (part 2 of an October 30, 2024 ip fray article). Certain cases related to those disputes were pending in the Unified Patent Court (UPC). But certain cases brought by Access Advance licensors Dolby and…
Via LA launches new voice codec pool: Dolby, ETRI, Huawei, JVCKenwood and NTT already on board
Huawei has also taken a license from Via LA’s new pool, which covers voice technologies such as EVS and IVAS.
Philips joins Dolby in Via LA enforcement campaign against BLU Products over AVC/H.264 as Chinese low-cost ODMs lack license
Philips sued BLU Products one day after the latter’s answer to Dolby’s compaint in the same district. Both are Via LA licensors and actually targeting Chinese low-cost ODMs.
UPC Dusseldorf LD lets pool administrator Access Advance intervene in Dolby v. HP SEP case: FRAND compliance of pool terms in dispute
The UPC’s Dusseldorf Local Division found that pool administrator Access Advance had a sufficient interest to intervene in a Dolby v. HP standard-essential patent case as the defendant had disputed that the pool’s terms were FRAND.
Redacted FRAND arguments cause delays in UPC SEP actions: Dusseldorf, like Mannheim, grants extension
Context: Earlier this month, the Unified Patent Court’s (UPC) Mannheim Local Division (LD) faced the dilemma that a redacted filing by the plaintiff raising arguments specific to standard-essential patent (SEP) licensing deprived the defendants of full access to a pleading, and in order to minimize the resulting delay, Presiding Judge Dr. Peter Tochtermann bifurcated the…
Dolby continues to acquire patent licensing businesses, buys GE Licensing; previously, Dolby’s Via acquired MPEG LA
Dolby is a leader in consolidation in the patent licensing business. Today Dolby announced the acquisition of GE Licensing. Last year, Dolby-owned Via Licensing acquired patent pool manager MPEG LA.