Category: Qualcomm
Via LA’s Heath Hoglund in Clause 8 interview: early licensee involvement is a sign of future patent pool success
“I have little sympathy for the implementers who complain about not having influence on the outcome if they didn’t participate in the first place,” Via LA President Heath Hoglund tells Eli Mazour.
BREAKING: Qualcomm settles with China’s Transsion (Africa’s smartphone market leader): Indian patent lawsuit withdrawn
A Qualcomm v. Transsion lawsuit was withdrawn in India, suggesting a settlement. Transsion is a Chinese company whose various brands collectively have indisputable leadership in the African smartphone market.
Two FRAND firsts for the UPC: first SEP settlement (Nokia-Verifone), first FRAND appellate hearing (OPPO-Panasonic)
Virtually simultaneously, the Unified Patent Court has seen its first SEP dispute settled and its Court of Appeal has heard the first FRAND-specific appeal.
Qualcomm sues smartphone volume giant Transsion in UPC, extending patent enforcement campaign that surfaced in India first
Qualcomm started its patent enforcement campaign against China’s Transsion in India, and now a first UPC lawsuit has become discoverable as well.
China’s top court revives Qualcomm patent that Apple challenged (presumably reads on 3D Touch, Haptic Touch): Patent Cold War
Apple was close to the invalidation of a Chinese Qualcomm patent on the technology known as 3D Touch or Haptic Touch on Apple devices, but the Supreme People’s Court upheld it.
5G SEP report shows ZTE’s essentiality ratio towering above other major patentees: plausible, but essentiality ratios are snake oil
Context: Certain patent data and research firms occasionally release rankings of major standard-essential patent (SEP) holders. Different methodologies lead to different results. What’s new: A couple of weeks ago, GreyB published “Updated Findings” (PDF) relating to its 5G Essentiality Report. The top six 5G SEP holders according to GreyB account for about 60% of all…
Qualcomm publishes cellular IoT SEP royalties based on module price but also available to device makers
Qualcomm has licensed module makers for more than a decade and is now also offering a direct license to device makers whose module suppliers do not have a license.