Category: ZTE
Samsung’s antitrust attack on ZTE over SEP licensing confirmed; ZTE won Brazilian preliminary injunction last month
As we suspected, it was Samsung who brought a German standalone SEP-related antitrust action against ZTE in Frankfurt. We’ve also discovered a January 23 Brazilian preliminary injunction that ZTE obtained.
Chinese-Chinese dispute in UPC: Xiaomi gets sued over former ZTE patent by Texas-based non-practicing entity
A UPC lawsuit against Xiaomi by a non-practicing entity from Texas asserting a former ZTE patent has become discoverable.
BREAKING: New standard-essential patent dispute between ZTE and Lenovo discovered in UK
Between Lenovo and ZTE, the former would be the net licensee, so this may be not only an infringement lawsuit, but also a FRAND claim.
5G SEP report shows ZTE’s essentiality ratio towering above other major patentees: plausible, but essentiality ratios are snake oil
Context: Certain patent data and research firms occasionally release rankings of major standard-essential patent (SEP) holders. Different methodologies lead to different results. What’s new: A couple of weeks ago, GreyB published “Updated Findings” (PDF) relating to its 5G Essentiality Report. The top six 5G SEP holders according to GreyB account for about 60% of all…