Category: BSH v. Electrolux
A ‘breakthrough’ that may have gone ‘too far’: fallout follows ECJ’s cross-border jurisdiction ruling
European patent attorneys have largely welcomed a European Court of Justice decision allowing courts to rule on the infringement of U.S., UK, and other foreign patents (as well as award damages and injunctions). But those in foreign jurisdictions, such as China, are concerned that the ruling could lead to “significant chaos” and that the court…
LONG ARM: European Court of Justice lets courts rule on infringement of U.S., UK, other foreign patents and award damages and injunctions, subject to defendant’s domicile
The most impactful decision by the European Court of Justice on jurisdiction over patent infringement cases enables the UPC to adjudicate the UK parts of European patents and national courts to decide even on U.S. patents.
BREAKING: UPC’s Dusseldorf LD assumes long-arm jurisdiction over UK part of EPO-granted patent
The UPC’s Dusseldorf Local Division deemed the patent-in-suit invalid, but would otherwise have ordered an injunction even with respect to its UK part.
Forthcoming ECJ ruling may enable UPC to expand jurisdiction to non-member states subject to defendant’s legal domicile
A case recently heard by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice may also result in greater geographic reach for the Unified Patent Court.
EU Commission, French government to top EU court: it’s OK to enforce non-EU (e.g., U.S.) patents in EU court against EU defendants
Yesterday the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice heard BSH v. Electrolux, a case originating from Sweden that raises the question of cross-border patent enforcement.