Category: Nokia v. Amazon
ITC staff reiterates its view that Nokia, unlike Amazon, complied with FRAND and recommends U.S. import ban regardless of UK proceedings
The ITC Staff participates in some investigations as a neutral party defending the public interest, and its views are given significant weight by the ultimate decision makers.
In Nokia v. Amazon, USITC raises fundamental questions about FRAND and licensor’s reliance on U.S. licensees manufacturing abroad
It is unclear whether the ITC’s current leadership seeks to narrow the scope of the agency’s jurisdiction or just wants to make the decision appeal- and review-proof.
Nokia obtains anti-antisuit injunctions in fresh lawsuits against Chinese payment terminal maker SUNMI in UPC, Munich, Mannheim
Nokia has obtained two anti-antisuit injunctions in the UPC and the Regional Court of Munich in an ongoing case against Chinese POS vendor SUNMI.
After 15+ years without license, Amazon bets on UK court forcing Nokia to grant interim license in May or June, but some claims are not FRAND-encumbered
Amazon hopes that a UK interim license will be granted in a few months’ time and thwart Nokia’s patent enforcement on a worldwide basis.
Security requirement of $670M contradicts Amazon downplaying impact of Nokia patent injunction against Prime Video, streaming products
In response to Nokia’s win in the Dusseldorf Regional Court yesterday, Amazon said Prime Video would not have to be switched off in Germany. But the requirement to post $670M as collateral speaks volumes.
Nokia wins first-ever Germany-wide patent injunction against Amazon Prime Video streaming service after three wins over Amazon devices
Context: Nokia has already won three patent rulings relating to Amazon streaming devices like the Fire TV Stick. A Germany-wide permanent injunction that the Munich I Regional Court ordered last year (September 20, 2024 ip fray article) has been enforced for a few months now. Shortly before the end of the year, Administrative Law Judge…
Interim license imperialism: Lord Justice Arnold becomes a threat to UK relations with the United States, Europe, other countries and regions
Context: Just a week ago, we raised concerns over Lord Justice Richard Arnold’s decision to expedite Lenovo’s appeal of the denial of an interim license from Ericsson and warned that an exceedingly expansive application of that instrument could provoke a World Trade Organization (WTO) complaint by the European Union (January 26, 2025 ip fray article)….
Nokia may win even two U.S. import bans against Amazon: preliminary ITC ruling
Nokia has prevailed over Amazon on another U.S. patent that could give rise to an import ban.
Amazon’s ploy to derail ITC proceedings, and update on Amazon’s and Lenovo’s efforts to overturn or narrow Nokia’s and Ericsson’s preliminary wins
The ITC has finalized its decision in one Ericsson-Lenovo case while it has not decided on the exact scope of its review in another. Amazon is hoping to overturn or narrow Nokia’s win.
Public version of Nokia v. Amazon ITC ruling in multimedia SEP case holds e-commerce giant responsible for unlicensed status
The public redacted version of a trade judge’s December 2024 ruling shows that Amazon was far from prevailing over Nokia on a FRAND defense.