Category: Green Technologies
Via LA boosts EV charging licensing efforts in Japan, signs partnership with local pool administrator ULDAGE
Japan plans significant growth to enhance its EV charging capabilities, Via LA’s head of programs Willy Chang tells ip fray.
Chinese solar panel manufacturer JinkoSolar files first U.S. patent infringement complaint
The lawsuit comes against the backdrop of an increasingly litigious solar panel patent market.
UPC’s Hague LD finds plant-based microbial fuel cell patent infringed not literally, but by equivalence
The Unified Patent Court’s Hague Local Division has found an infringement of a plant-based microbial fuel cell patent not under a literal interpretation of the asserted claims, but by way of equivalence.
EU Commission paper contemplates lower standard-essential patent royalties for cleantech, royalty-free green standards
The European Commission published a paper on Friday that is meant to reflect a thorough and responsible approach to policy-making, but ends up revealing an interventionist long-term agenda.