Category: Wireless Charging
Via LA’s Heath Hoglund in Clause 8 interview: early licensee involvement is a sign of future patent pool success
“I have little sympathy for the implementers who complain about not having influence on the outcome if they didn’t participate in the first place,” Via LA President Heath Hoglund tells Eli Mazour.
Avanci signs up another EV charger licensee: like most SEP licensing, this happened without litigation
Amid an unprecedented flurry of SEP litigation news, mostly involving settlements, Avanci quietly and amicably signed up another licensee to its electric vehicle charging program.
EU SEP Regulation’s market power flaw exposed by Qi lawsuits in UPC, Germany: Commission and Parliament got it wrong
The dispute between Philips and Belkin over Qi (wireless charging) patents illustrates one of the fundamental flaws of the proposed EU SEP Regulation: the failure to consider market power.