Category: UPC Roundups
UPC Roundup (2 weeks): more injunctions, more opportunities after opt-out withdrawal, and a case that lasted only one day
This is an update on what has happened in the Unified Patent Court (UPC) in the fortnight since the last such roundup (November 2, 2024 ip fray article). It is fair to say that the number of newsworthy events during the first half of November was relatively low, but the significance of some of them…
UPC Roundup (1 week): new injunctions, new cases, settlements, first FRAND decision on horizon, guidance on corporate officer defendants
This is a roundup of what happened in the Unified Patent Court during the last week of October 2024.
UPC Roundup (1 week): U.S. pleadings disregarded, but U.S. stipulation impacts confidentiality regime; wide variety of other news
Roundup of Unified Patent Court decisions, filings and other noteworthy developments over the course of the last week.
UPC Roundup (two weeks): wide range of decisions from default judgment to U.S. patent attorneys’ access to sealed documents
This roundup covers two weeks of Unified Patent Court (UPC) decisions.
UPC Roundup (one week): one intervention allowed, another denied; more security decisions; several new cases
The previous UPC Roundup was published one week ago (September 27, 2024 ip fray article). This one goes live around noon on Friday, October 4, 2024, so there could still be developments in and around the UPC later that day. It’s a summary of ip fray‘s LinkedIn posts reporting and commenting on UPC news over…
UPC Roundup: first PI affirmance, another SEP settlement, FRAND procedures, joinders, amendments, and more
Context: Since the previous overall (i.e., covering appeals as well as first-instance proceedings) UPC roundup of two weeks ago (September 14, 2024 ip fray article). a special roundup covered several appellate decisions (September 25, 2024 ip fray article). This article discusses one appellate ruling (the first affirmance of a preliminary injunction (PI)) that has come…
UPC Court of Appeal roundup: FRAND disclosures, language of proceedings, parallel national validity proceedings, early-stage objections
Context: This is a roundup of decisions handed down by the Unified Patent Court’s (UPC) Court of Appeal (CoA), and reported by ip fray on LinkedIn, since the prior UPC roundup (September 14, 2024 ip fray article). Note that during that period, ip fray discussed one CoA decision, which dealt with security, in a separate…
UPC roundup: timeliness of adding defendant or request for order to produce; jurisdictional questions; no replacement of TQJ
A summary of various Unified Patent Court orders and decisions from the past three weeks.
UPC Roundup: access to documents, language of proceedings, Ireland, various first-instance and appellate decisions
This is a roundup of roughly two weeks of Unified Patent Court decisions and filings.
UPC Roundup (10 items): interesting issues in Novartis v. Celltrion, plus various discovery, security, case management decisions
This article sums up ip fray‘s LinkedIn commentary on several recent Unified Patent Court (UPC) rulings and developments. Regardless of the summer vacation season, the UPC continues to proliferate decisions and orders. The Dusseldorf Local Division (LD) is particularly on fire these days. 1. Dusseldorf LD: Novartis v. Celltrion raises standing issues of transcendental importance…