Category: U.S. International Trade Commission
Public version of Nokia v. Amazon ITC ruling in multimedia SEP case holds e-commerce giant responsible for unlicensed status
The public redacted version of a trade judge’s December 2024 ruling shows that Amazon was far from prevailing over Nokia on a FRAND defense.
Unprecedented major delay at USITC for remedy recommendation after Lenovo was found to infringe four Ericsson SEPs
While ITC judges typically issue their recommendations on remedy (i.e., U.S. import ban) near-simultaneously with their rulings, it will now potentially take more than two months in an Ericsson-Lenovo SEP case.
USITC judge sides with Ericsson on 4 out of 4 standard-essential patents, throws out Lenovo’s other defenses: U.S. import ban looms large
Lenovo has suffered a crushing preliminary defeat in the U.S. International Trade Commission as all four Ericsson standard-essential patents at the heart of the investigation have been held valid and infringed.
Ericsson filing with ITC elaborates on HEVC owners’ licensing obligations, multi-standard license bundle, 16 years of trying to sell license
A post-hearing brief filed by Ericsson in an ITC investigation sheds light on Lenovo’s negotiation conduct and elaborates on the obligations of owners of HEVC SEP.
Chinese solar panel manufacturer JinkoSolar files first U.S. patent infringement complaint
The lawsuit comes against the backdrop of an increasingly litigious solar panel patent market.
ITC judge rejects Lenovo’s most important defense against Ericsson: 2011 license agreement doesn’t cover current Motorola phones
Administrative Law Judge Cameron Elliot has rejected Lenovo’s license-based defense according to which its Motorola devices were allegedly still covered by a 2011 license agreement.
ITC staff: HEVC SEPs are not FRAND-encumbered like cellular ones; Ericsson merely had to negotiate with Lenovo
The Office of Unfair Import Investigations of the United States International Trade Commission has taken a fairly permissive position on the enforcement of video codec SEPs.
Lenovo avoids U.S. import ban over two Ericsson non-SEPs (for now): initial determination by ITC judge
An Administrative Law Judge of the U.S. International Trade Commission has held the asserted claims of two Ericsson patents invalid, The final decision will be made by the commissioners.
Apple gets $250 verdict against Masimo, loses on most claims: Apple only wanted (and failed) to create new reason for lifting Apple Watch ban
Apple largely lost, but it merely lost an opportunity and an amount of money it won’t care about. This case could have built another independent reason for lifting the Apple Watch ban.
ITC judge upholds Ericsson patent referencing 5G NR prior to finalization of standard: not indefinite
Administrative Law Judge MaryJoan McNamara of the U.S. International Trade Commission disagreed with Lenovo’s claim that a patent is indefinite for referencing 5G NR while the standard was still in the works.